Friday, August 28, 2009
Mom Makes Everything Better
Suddenly it was like I was 6 again and I just wanted to run into mom and dad's room and tell them my tummy hurt. When I was little, my mom would take care of my brothers and I when we were sick by feeding us 7-up and crackers, rubbing our backs, and then as a special treat we sometimes got to watch CARTOONS while we got to lay down in THEIR BED.
I don't know why that is, but being in the presence of mom seems to make everything okay. Even when she's miles and miles away (this time 16 hours, again) she'll be the first I call when I feel ill. I consider myself pretty independent, but once I take some tums and some tylenol, I'll revert back into sick kid mode.
The only time mom's wrath comes down on a kid when the kid is sick apparently is only when she finds out the kid is *gasp* faking once in awhile. Not that I ever did, of course.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Rated 'R' for Non-Stop Violence

(this is what Google Image Search came up with on "Kung Fu Zombie"...non-stop violence?)
Needless to say, I felt a tad bit slighted when I went to watch the movie and the cool black guy died. Oh, and also when there were actually STOPS in the violence. I felt betrayed. I felt lied to. I was promised perpetual violence and the movie DID NOT DELIVER. I guess my movie going expectations are a tad too high.
One movie that DID deliver, however, was The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King. Despite the fact that I'm already a massive nerd for all things Tolkien I love these movies dearly (yes, I even forgive the displacement of Tom Bombadil) and so, upon the 27th time watching RoTK, I looked on the back of the box and found the rating.
"Rated PG-13 for intense epic battle sequences and frightening images."
Yes. Intense Epic Battle. Some genius in the MPAA writing department added the word EPIC(probably a LoTR geek, too) and thus made the rating x infinite cooler. It's like its own little marketing device.
That's about all I have to comment on. I think I'm going to look up as to where I can obtain my copy of Kung Fu Zombie.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
All the other good song lyrics were taken
I am by no means a professional writer. I've been told that I write fairly well, but I am actually a biology major. If that doesn't pan out, I'm sure a career in the palm oil industry will.
Sure I try to keep up on the news of the day. I try to follow politics. I seperate my love for internet subculture from my everyday life...mostly...and I pretend to care about my friend of a friend's sister's status updates on facebook. I think I'm an awesome person. And like every other blagger on the blogosphere, I think I'll make the next SUPA WOW AWESOMU POWA blog.
And I do my best writing at night, when I'm laying down and drifting off to sleep. I can think of a subject for several minutes, but the moment I reach for my notebook or my laptop the thoughts are gone. I do recall, however, that a couple nights ago I pondered on the true definition of a continent. I believe I was wondering whether or not a continent solely applied to a landmass or if islands off the landmass also fell into some sort of unwritten law that they had to be part of a continent. I'm sure I could find this out easily enough, but its a lot more fun when you're left wondering.
I guess what I'm getting at is that it always seems the best ideas come around when no one is there to listen or you are just too lazy to turn on the light and get that thought on paper.