(this is what Google Image Search came up with on "Kung Fu Zombie"...non-stop violence?)
Needless to say, I felt a tad bit slighted when I went to watch the movie and the cool black guy died. Oh, and also when there were actually STOPS in the violence. I felt betrayed. I felt lied to. I was promised perpetual violence and the movie DID NOT DELIVER. I guess my movie going expectations are a tad too high.
One movie that DID deliver, however, was The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King. Despite the fact that I'm already a massive nerd for all things Tolkien I love these movies dearly (yes, I even forgive the displacement of Tom Bombadil) and so, upon the 27th time watching RoTK, I looked on the back of the box and found the rating.
"Rated PG-13 for intense epic battle sequences and frightening images."
Yes. Intense Epic Battle. Some genius in the MPAA writing department added the word EPIC(probably a LoTR geek, too) and thus made the rating x infinite cooler. It's like its own little marketing device.
That's about all I have to comment on. I think I'm going to look up as to where I can obtain my copy of Kung Fu Zombie.
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